Revise Course Murli 15/11/2010

The Incorporeal point of light, God Shiva, has descended on this earth and is establishing righteousness (Dharma) through knowledge and power.

One should read the Murli in a soul-conscious state as taught by The Supreme Teacher and Sadhguru Shiv Baba. Thoughts to create the soul conscious state are as follows:

1. I am a Peaceful Soul; God Shiva is my Supreme Father.

2. I am a Godly student; God Shiva is my Supreme teacher.

3. God Shiva is my Sadhguru; I am Master Sadhguru.

4. God Shiva is my life partner; I am God Shiva's life partner.

The Soul conscious stage/yoga stage becomes natural when all relations are established with Shiva Baba, and the duty of that relation is practised in the Brahmin life.

While in the Soul-Conscious stage, Murli should be read with the feeling that the Supreme Teacher and Sadhguru Shiv Baba are talking to me directly and teaching me personally.

Hasten the speed of self-transformation and celebrate the completion ceremony of your nature and sanskars. Copy Father Brahma in your every thought, word, and deed.

Today, BapDada is seeing three signs of fortune sparkling on each one's forehead. One is the fortune of the sustenance received from the Father. The second is the fortune of the teachings from the Teacher. The third is the fortune of blessings from Satguru. He is seeing all three types of fortune sparkling. Each one's forehead is sparkling with all three types of fortune. Such fortune is not visibly sparkling on anyone else's forehead. However, the foreheads of all of you are sparkling with fortune. All of you are also seeing your fortune, are you not? BapDada saw that each one of you has received fortune, but the sparkle of everyone's fortune is not the same. The sparkle of some is very bright, whereas the sparkle of others is a little less visible. In fact, BapDada has given everyone the same fortune at the same time. He is also teaching the same study.

He has given the same sustenance and also given the same blessings. The original jewels and those who have come later receive sustenance and teachings through the same murli; everyone receives the same blessings. The murli for the original jewels is not different; it is the same. However, the fortune that is visible is sparkling number-wise. Everyone is receiving the same sustenance of the Father's love. The sound emerging from everyone's lips is "My Baba". Whether someone has come at the beginning or come later, each one of you says with your right, "My Baba". When you ask anyone if they have received the Father's love, they say with spiritual intoxication, "I receive the Father's love the most." What do those who say "My Baba" from their hearts say with that spiritual intoxication? "My love is the most. Baba first has love for me" because love is the Father's sustenance. By believing "My Baba", you belong to Baba, and the Father belongs to you.  

Today, all of you have come – you have come in the plane of love. It is love that has pulled all of you and brought you here. All of you have reached here comfortably with love. This love from God is received only now at the confluence age. You receive love from deity souls, but God's love is only received in this one birth. What does BapDada say about seeing such worthy souls? Wah, children! Wah! You are the handful out of multi-millions who have become worthy, and you will be the ones who become worthy every cycle. Do you have such intoxication as you walk and move around? Does your heart also sing this song, "Wah my fortune!? You continue to sing this song, do you not? The Father is also pleased that all of your children are the ones who have a right.

No one considers the self to be any less in receiving God's love. All of you have passed on the subject of love. BapDada is asking who has the most love. Who would say this? All of you know that your love is no less. The Father also says that all of you have passed in the subject of love, and this is why you say, "My Baba." Each of you knows how much love you have. BapDada saw that all of you have passed in the subject of love, but now, according to the time, there is a need for self-transformation, just self-transformation. You were also specially told that, in self-transformation, there is a need at this time to transform your sanskars and your nature.  

Now that the New Year has begun, the speed of self-transformation has to be fast. You are doing this, and you are paying attention, but the speed has to be fast. BapDada remembers that you had promised earlier, too, that in the New Year, you would bring about self-transformation. You have to transform your sanskars, but BapDada has seen that you now need to make the speed fast for the fast effort that is needed for self-transformation. What do all of you think? According to the time, do you think that you are all making intense effort according to the fast speed of time or that it should be even faster? Because, according to time, the transformation of time is taking place fast, but your transformation will be fast when the thoughts you have take place practically.

Thoughts that are not right should be finished just as when you put a full stop on a piece of paper. How long does it take to do that? Thoughts that are not right, that is, useless thoughts, should be transformed very fast. Are you able to bring about the speed that BapDada wants? Do you have that courage? Those of you who think that you are able to put a full stop at a fast speed from now – when the children have courage, the Father helps - raise your hands! BapDada is congratulating your children on seeing your determined thoughts. BapDada told you earlier, too, that the thought for this determination is: I definitely do have to do this. So, all of you in today's gathering have had this determined thought, have you not? All of you saw the Dadis saw – all of you saw that the majority of you raised your hands; you all saw that.

So, starting tomorrow, we should celebrate the completion ceremony of your nature and sanskars. Should we celebrate it? Those who raised their hands earlier, raise your hands! Should we have a celebration ceremony? Celebrate this ceremony with a lot of pomp and splendour. Just as you have kept the aim for courage, in the same way, if, together with courage, you also develop its qualifications, then it is not a big deal. Since you have the aim of becoming equal to the Father, you now have to make your aim and its qualifications the same. Follow Father Brahma. Whatever your thoughts, words, and deeds are, first of all, compare them to those of Father Brahma. Copy! In the world, it is forbidden to copy, but BapDada is telling you to copy Father Brahma. You would say that the incorporeal Father does not have a body, and so what is body consciousness to him?

However, Father Brahma has been a bodily being. In fact, all of you who have surrendered – those who have surrendered, raise your hands! Those who have surrendered, raise your hands! What thought did you have when you surrendered yourselves? That your body, mind and wealth now all belong to the Father. You did this, did you not? Did you do this? Raise your hands for this! So, whatever you have surrendered is no longer yours. "This body is not mine; this wealth is not mine." Father Brahma gave his body to the Father for the sake of service. So, Father Brahma knew that that body was not his but that it was for service. So, since you have surrendered all three, your body, mind, and wealth, then your body is an instrument for the Father's service, just as Father Brahma's body was for service.

So, your body is not yours; it is for service. So, should you have the sanskars that are there of the ego of the body and body consciousness? Keep this in your awareness: This body is for world service. It is not mine, but the Father has given it to me for service. Body consciousness and ego of the body will then finish. The ego of the body causes a greater loss. Body consciousness is a little lighter than that, but since you have given both of them to the Father…. What do you write on the forms that you fill in? Teachers, you ask for the forms to be filled in, do you not? So, what do you ask them to write on those? That this life of mine is now for service.

All of you who have become Brahmins have promised the Father: The body, mind, and wealth now all belong to the Father; they are not mine. So the sanskars that take birth are out of ego of the body or out of body consciousness, and this is why you made a promise today for the finishing of sanskars because it is these that cause obstacles in revealing the Father. All of you have this enthusiasm. BapDada continues to hear this, and you all continue to say that you have to reveal the Father. Until now, the Brahma Kumaris and Brahma Kumars have been revealed. The Father's revelation that "God has come" is still incognito. You are making an effort for this, but the sound for revelation should now spread, "Our Father has come."

These are versions of God, not the versions of Brahma Kumaris. This revelation has to take place now. Nature and sanskars have to be transformed. Revelation will take place through the face and activity of each one of you. You have to reveal the Father. You are doing that, but the sound should now echo in everyone's ears that God has come, that our Father has come. It definitely has to happen. Raise your hands to show that it has to happen! It has to happen. You raised your hands very well. BapDada is pleased that all of you have this deep love for it to happen, and it definitely does have to happen. So, just as you will transform your nature and sanskars from tomorrow, in the same way, the method for this is that everyone who has become a Brahmin will have to pay special attention to their chart to have good wishes and pure feelings.

You have given people of the world this work to see for how long they are able to have good wishes and pure feelings. You told them that it is possible to do this. Therefore, you can definitely do this. At any time, someone's nature or sanskars confront you when you do not have good wishes and pure feelings for that soul at that time. So, if you have this thought from Amrit Vela, "I definitely have to have good wishes and pure feelings for every soul", you will then be able to fulfil the thought that you have had to bring about transformation. Situations will come. It is the duty of the situations to come. It is Maya. And it is your duty to gain victory. So, tomorrow, make a group among yourselves with those who are instruments and have a discussion about how to put the thoughts that you have had into a practical form.

Finish! Put a full stop! You raised your hands, did you not? Those of you sitting at the front raised your hands. So, you will have to become an instrument for this. In the beginning, so many came with so many sanskars in front of Father Brahma. In the beginning, Father Brahma saw so many games of sanskars. However, with the Father's cooperation, he continued to move forward and inspired others to move forward, too, and as a result, there is such a large number today. Even though there were situations of fluctuation, he remained unshakeable, and, as a result of that, so many centres opened and so many programmes took place.  

How many programmes are taking place nowadays? They are taking place, are they not? All of this is a result of Father Brahma's courage. In the beginning, Father Brahma was alone. All of you came later, but he maintained courage and moved forward by himself, and the practical proof has resulted in all of you becoming companions. So you have courage, don't you? Father Brahma alone maintained courage, whereas now, there are so many of you companions. So follow Father! All of you consider yourselves to be children of Father Brahma and his companions, do you not? You are with him, you will return with him, and you will come down into the kingdom with Father Brahma. So, now is the time.

Father Brahma maintained courage, and you are seeing the result. So keep the foot of courage in this gathering, then see what is not possible! It took place every cycle, and it definitely has to happen. So, the Father told you what he wants. Simply, all of you now speak of one thing, and that is to transform ordinary effort into intense effort. BapDada saw that in some cases, there is this carelessness: "It will happen. Victory is our birthright." In terms of knowledge, this is fixed, but the words "Victory is guaranteed for us" are also words of carelessness. Nothing has yet come to a standstill. It has to happen. There are words for effort, and the same words are also used for carelessness.

“Nothing is going to stop; it has to happen”… That is carelessness. So check these sanskars too. The sign of carelessness is that tiredness will be visible in their life in trivial things. That sparkle of happiness will not be visible on their faces. If you are performing charity in service, there should be that happiness on your face. To have one or another type of tiredness is a sign of carelessness of one kind or another. Since you have to do it, do it happily. Your face should do service. Your activity should do service. So, today, seeing the majority of you raise your hands for the finishing of sanskars, BapDada congratulates you again and again. Okay.  

Those who have come for the first time in this group, raise your hands! Did you see how many there are? There are many. Wave your hands! Those who have come for the first time, congratulations on meeting your Father. Now, especially according to the time, you will have to make a fast effort. BapDada says: Those who make the fast effort, not just moving along in a slack way, though you have come last, you can go fast, and those who go fast can come first. Perform such a wonder! You have this chance. Do not think that you have come last; no. You can go fast. However, you definitely do have to make a fast effort at every moment. You definitely have to change. Do not leave it to the future: "I will see to it; I will think about it". Do not do this. It is good. You like your home and the home of the Bestower, do you not? All brothers and sisters are also welcoming you. Okay.  

All the Brahmin children from everywhere, please accept BapDada's love-filled love and remembrance. BapDada knows that some children are seeing and celebrating a meeting sitting far away. To all those children everywhere, BapDada is saying: Just as the majority of the children raised their hands to finish their sanskars, all of you together are also raising your hands collectively for this. You are having the thought of bringing the completion of time close. Then, when the completion of time comes, you will reveal both Father Brahma and Father Shiva everywhere, saying: Our Father has come. Let there be the Father's revelation on everyone's lips. Now, this year, have the thought that you definitely have to reveal the Father. Half the work has been done. The Father has revealed your children in front of the world. Now, the children's task is to make this sound reach every child of the world: "God has come." Seeing each one, BapDada is giving each one love (sneh and Pyar) from his heart and giving love and remembrance filled with zeal and enthusiasm. Okay.  

It is the turn of Karnataka zone for service: To take this chance for service means to receive the chance of coming close to the Father. Look, because of service, so many people receive a chance to come. All of you instrumental teachers receive everyone's blessings because you maintained courage for service, and so many people received this chance. BapDada saw that many new ones have come for the first time. Those from the Karnataka zone who have come for the first time, raise your hands high! Many have come for the first time. It is good. The growth of Karnataka is good. Just as there has been this growth, the wave of the method for making intense effort has also spread everywhere. Claim this number. Claim a number in the finishing of sanskars. Can you do this?

Those who think that you can claim the first number, raise your hands! It is good. Create a gathering among yourselves and make a programme. All are united. There are different places, but all of you are one. Now perform this wonder. You have this courage, do you not? Do you have this courage? BapDada continues to receive news. So, write to Madhuban every month about your transformation. You will write, will you not? Every month? Let the past be the past! Now, demonstrate this by claiming number one. It is good. BapDada saw that the service was good, and he now wished to see the gathering united. Become an example. Ready? Are you ready? Raise your hands! Just see, you will get the result in one month. Okay. Lots and lots of special love and remembrance.  

CAD group. Your name is those with a heart, and so those with a heart are always merged in the heart. You have done well. Because of the heart, you have become an example for others, too. You become instruments to create such great fortune. BapDada likes how those of this heart group also serve others very well. Those who have become instruments, you share your news and become instruments to make others belong to the Father. BapDada is congratulating those who take this chance. Congratulations to everyone for continuing to move forward and making others move forward, too. BapDada likes this service. It is not just about curing their illness, but you also get a chance to make them merge in God's heart. So, continue to move forward and make others move forward.  

Double foreigners: BapDada likes how there are those from abroad in every group. BapDada has seen that just as you have the title of being double foreigners, in the same way, you have double love. By saying "Baba", you swing in happiness. You do service; double service. You serve that Government and also the  Almighty Government. You also have a lot of love for Baba. There is a very good transformation taking place. Now, all of you have become those with Godly culture. It is not a foreign culture; you are those with God's culture. It has become easy. Earlier, you used to think: How should we change our culture? However, Baba has seen that you believe that this was your original culture and that you have now come back to that. It is easy. Why do you not find it difficult?

Because you have belonged to the Father every cycle, and you are claiming your right to the previous cycle. Very good. You are also moving forward in your effort, and Baba is very pleased with that. You maintain double happiness, do you not? Do you have double happiness? Raise your hands! It feels good – the unlimited Father and the gathering become unlimited. The Father is also pleased that all of you reach your unlimited home from all the different places. The result is good, and the result in the future will also be good. It is guaranteed. Therefore, congratulations! Congratulations on your coming here. Okay.  

To Mohiniben: You are settling your accounts, and it will finish.  

Ishu Dadi: This one is fine. You are flying with pleasure.  

Dadi Janki: You have a lot of mercy. (Everything should now happen fast.) It will happen. Your thoughts are spreading. Everyone abroad will now remember Madhuban that a little more service has taken place. It will happen. Dadiji also continues to see everything. She experiences everyone's company. It is good.  

To Jayantiben: (Jayantiben gave news of service abroad.) It is good. That place was still left. Hearing you, the wave of happiness that they experienced will reach many others. You have received a good part. Continue to tour around and continue to serve. This time, those from abroad have done good service in India. You have taken that chance. You have done well.  

Rameshbhai: Is your health OK? Give everyone the return of their remembrance.

Tell each one: A hundred thousandfold love and remembrance from Baba.  

To the three senior brothers: All of you should sit together and make plans for the yagya for what should be done in the future and how to move forward. Do not only think of the departments but think of the total yagya as a whole and what expansion should take place everywhere. Think among yourselves of a plan for how to become free from obstacles, how to become free from any wasted thoughts, and what you should do in the future. You are moving along the route that you are taking, and that is fine, but have a meeting about what should be done in the future. Okay.  

To Par Dadi: Everyone becomes happy to see you. Why? (I am Baba's daughter.) It is good. No matter what your health is like, you remain happy. Everyone becomes happy on seeing your happiness.

The method taught by the Supreme Teacher and Sadguru Shiv Baba after reading Murli is "Churning."

Shiv Baba explained the method of churning in four Murlis.





The power of churning is the food for the divine intellect.

"What is the essence of each statement? At what time and by what method should each sentence be used in action? And by what method should each sentence be used in action in service to other souls?"  - Each sentence should be churned in these four ways.

By churning the knowledge, we will have powerful thoughts, stage, and awareness.

By churning the knowledge, we will automatically remember The bestower of knowledge, Shiv Baba.

To know the thoughts used for churning, see the column heading “Treasure of Powerful Thoughts.”

                  Touch this link to view the Murlis on Churning.

                             May you reveal your world benefactor form!